Arnie Narayan


For nearly 25 years, Arnie Narayan has focused on the advisory, transactional and litigation aspects of corporate and commercial law.Within the broad spectrum of corporate and commercial law, Arnie has particular expertise in insolvency and reconstruction. Arnie regularly acts for insolvency practitioners, lenders, directors, creditors and other key stakeholders in insolvencies, corporate recoveries, corporate restructurings and litigation.

Arnie’s restructuring experience and expertise enables him to deliver “front end” solutions to his clients in a broad range of transactions as well as bolstering his advisory skills and range.

As a litigator, Arnie is involved in resolving disputes ranging from contractual and trade practices disputes through to defamation claims and property settlements.

His experience spans a broad range of industries, including aviation, agribusiness, property and construction, wine and the public sector.

Arnie is a former Deputy Chairman of the Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association (SA & NT), a member of the Banking Law Association of Australia, a member of the Business Law Section of the Law Council of Australia, a former Board Member of the Law Society of South Australia and a member of the Institute of Company Directors.

Arnie has served on a number of private and not-for-profit Company Boards.

(08) 7231 8900

Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation